Gasoline and diesel are the two main options when it comes to fueling your generators. Both fuel options have their similarities: they’re both readily available and dependable, plus they generate low emissions and give you on-demand power. But these fuels also have their differences, which makes them ideal for different applications.

Whether your business needs a prime or standby generator, here’s how to choose between gasoline and diesel generators so you can make the most informed decision.

Fuel Consumption

Diesel generators are more efficient than gasoline generators because they don’t burn as much fuel to produce the required power. They also have a higher compression rate, requiring less fuel to run. This makes them tops in terms of cost-efficiency. You can reduce your operating costs and improve your bottom line with diesel generators.


Diesel is less flammable than gasoline, so it’s the safer bet. For instance, a diesel generator would be better for a business that routinely handles chemicals and combustible products, due to its less explosive nature and low probability of accidental ignition.

Additionally, if you plan to store the generator next to heat sources, go with diesel because it has a longer shelf life than gasoline. This means you can store more fuel for everyday use and emergencies.

Maintenance and Lifespan

If you’re looking for minimal maintenance, a diesel generator is right for you. They don’t have spark plugs and carburetors, which require regular maintenance and replacement. With a low maintenance generator, you save money, time, and effort.

Diesel generators also have a higher ROI because the engines burn cooler and the components don’t wear down as quickly.

Noise Levels

Gasoline engines are quieter than diesel engines, but recent advancements in technology have paved the way for quieter diesel engines.


Gasoline generators are better for low-load applications and infrequent use, such as in homes due to the quieter operation and lack of fumes. Gas generators are also less expensive, ideal for the budget-conscious homeowner.

Diesel generators, however, are the go-to choice when you need to complete heavy-duty tasks that require significant power. Diesel engines withstand larger loads and for longer periods of time than gas engines, making them ideal for construction sites.


Diesel generators are reliable because they cost less to run, use less fuel, have minimal maintenance costs, and give you a longer lifespan. They also don’t need ignition systems to operate, so you have fewer components to worry about, and they can function at lower temperatures with less wear and tear.

Gasoline and diesel generators both represent good options depending on the intended usage. But for construction and other heavy duty uses, diesel generators are the clear winner.

Contact Taylor Oil

We provide diesel fuel for fleets like yours. Whether for your trucks or your generators, call us today or complete our online form. We buy premium products from the most reliable suppliers in all markets.

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